HomeAglonema Pink Dalmation Plant
Aglonema  Pink Dalmation Plant
Aglonema  Pink Dalmation PlantAglonema  Pink Dalmation Plant
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Aglonema Pink Dalmation Plant

Saving ₹179
36% off
Product Description

Aglaonema Pink Dalmatian Plant is a species of genus aglaonema categorized under Araceae plants family. Aglaonema is also known as Chinese evergreen. Aglaonema plants are attractive, varied, tough, drought-tolerant, low maintenance and hard to kill houseplants with colorful foliage.


Healthy Plant grown in a 5” Glossy finish various colored pot

Plant Essentials

Fertilizer/ feed for the plant: The ZZ plant does not need much looking after other than a monthly feed during its main growing period from August to April.

Repotting: Your ZZ will outgrow its current pot in a year and would require repotting in a one size larger pot.

Propagation: ZZ plant can be easily propagated through leaf cuttings or by dividing the root rhizome. However, propagation by rhizome division cannot be done often as the new rhizomes grow back very slowly.


Common Problems

1. Why are my ZZ plant leaves turning brown?

Browning leaves are a classic sign of under-watering. Water your plant more frequently to solve this issue.

2. Leaves of my ZZ plant is curling

Curling of leaves of the ZZ plant is an indication of too much light. Move your plant away from direct sunlight.

3. ZZ plant is drooping

The ZZ plant starts drooping as a result of root rot which is caused by overwatering


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